Direktlänk till inlägg 19 augusti 2012

The Assange Case highlightens: can and should men ...even vote?

Av shedlight - 19 augusti 2012 13:20

Assange is facing allegations of sexual assault/rape and this case has now became world politics.

A lot of people has opinions of what took place between Assange och and the two women in a private area.

And not only that.

Signs out crying that this is a honey trap is passing by on TV, and a lot of men are expressing their wieve that these women are not reliable. They are lying, they hate men, they are this and that.

But this kind of wievers have one thing in common:  they don´t blame the man.

So therefore we can assume that men can be trapped.

That THEY DON´T CHOOSE.  They go in a trap and they are stucked there.

When it boils down to is a question of their dick, men can´t choose for themselves. Their dicks do.

But we have not only the word  honey trap which indicates this disturbing reality.

We have the word gold-diggers - women are gold-diggers and they exploit men. Men (which by the way often are the wealthier ones in the world – what a coincidence!)  are NOT BEING ABLE TO CHOOSE  for themselves when it comes down to their own money. Women are.

We have the word  hookers, which mean that someone hooked a man. The man DOESN´T CHOOSE for himself. The dick leads him and he gets hooked. Much like in the case of a honey trap. (To even more explain for other man what had happened, the word Happy hooker is invented. Not only is the man hooked -  he is even “happy hooked”.)

And then it becomes serious politics. Politics in one country and politics involving several countries.

BIG deal in other words.

Let´s look at other examples.

The DSK affair in New York, when he sexually harassed a cleaning lady, became an affair in France.

His political companions claimed that this was a setup. The powerful man COULD NOT CHOOSE, his dick did.

(And now he is in charge of even more serious sexual related crimes so what´s the political deal this time? )

When Swedish high politicians was involved in a prostitution-ring, even with minors, in the 70tis, they claimed it was all false and a bunch of lies. But now we know that if the truth had come out, the government would have been seriously wounded and the fore coming election would have crushed.

The high politicians protected each other and put their dicks needs BEFORE the lead of the country.

In the year 2010 was another dick-case like this, which was even more made a high-class-secret.

The New York governor Spitzer, who spoke out in public against trafficking and prostitution,  secretly bought women, and  his defence  was  that he claimed that he was in a stressful situation.  It WASN´T really HIS FAULT, his stress all went down to his dick.

Surprisingly often this is the defence of the man in this kind of situation, the man was stressed, had a lot of pressure, had problems with his wife (clearly not the opposite...), didn´t understand that he was visiting  a strip club, thought the woman liked his attack or his harassment, he was just being polite, he was doing what he thought the woman wanted. And so on.  There is no limit for a man`s fantasy when it comes to explain why he was led by his dick.

There are numerous examples where high politicians and opinion leaders have committed sexual related crimes, and where this dick-related action then turns into something which involves high level political actions. It even troubles the relationships between countries which this Assange-case is a good example of.

This is serious; there is no doubt about it!


If men can´t control their dick, if they are out of action and rational thinking because of it, should they ever be considered to have ANY control at all?

Or to rephrase it:

If they can´t take responsibility for they behaviour, when their dick controls them, can they ever take ANY responsibility in ANY given time for anything?

And when is that  ”any given time” and what is ”anything”?

Is there reason to believe that any of that exists?


So the important questions to ask are:

  Should men be allowed to lead the world at all if they are not in charge of their actions?

  Should countries relationships and a fore coming hostility between nations be at stake because of ONE man’s dick?

  Should men even be declared to be incapable to managing their own affairs - should they even vote?



If men especially powerful men,  can´t control themselves and  if  their actions 24/7  is guided   by their dick, this is the relevant questions to be highlighted as a consequence of this  Assange case:

If men have this urge to stick their dicks in people everywhere and  not having  A CHOICE OF THEIR OWN,  have can anyone think that they are capable of taking care of their own citizen responsibilities?

Like we are supposed to do when we vote?  


More about  the seriousness  in this issue.


DN, DN2 GP Guardian SvD GP2


Dan,  if you can´t help yourself from writing things about the women in the Assange-case: how do you think your comment will be published here?  And you missing the point. The man has a choice. He has always a choice.

But I am not surprised that you like to  blame the female part, that´s your " natural" bias. 

Which exactly was the point.



19 augusti 2012 16:17

Är så dålig på engelska, så att jag får inte ut så mycket av texten.
Tycker mest synd om de två tjejerna som har hamnat i en otrevlig situation.
Killen har betett sig som ett svin, så vitt jag förstår, som har pysslat med rena hundfröjden. Måhända är även han rejält påverkad av utlandets syn på kvinnor i allmänhet och svenska kvinnor i synnerhet.
Men hela historien handlar om två saker:
1. Man försöker till varje pris hämnas på honom som läcker ut en massa om höjdarnas och militärernas syn på kvinnor och barn. Bara att skjuta ner!
2. En figur har enligt anklagelserna "knullat runt", vilket han borde ha ett kok stryk för. Men den syn som män uppfostras med ger väl sådana resultat.

Kanske dags att åter minnas den lilla historien från Edens lustgård:

En dag kom Gud till Adam och Eva och sa att han hade två presenter till dem.
Får jag först, får jag först? sa Adam.
Vad är det?
Gud svarade: Förmågan att kissa stående.
Eva kommenterade att det har jag då ingen användning för så det kan han gott få.
Och Eva och Vår Herre kom att småleende titta på när Adam hade hjärtans roligt och kissade mönster i sanden.
Så vände sig Eva till Gud och frågade vad den andra presenten som hon skulle få var för något.
Hjärna, Eva! sade Gud.
Förmågan att använda hjärnan.

Så om vi karlar beter oss svinaktigt så kanske vi skall ställa Vår Herre till svars.
Det fattas en viktig förmåga hos oss.

Fortsatt trevlig helg.



19 augusti 2012 17:05

Texten raljerar över att (vissa) män anser sig inte kunna ta ansvar för sin sexualitet men ändå anser sig kunna och ha rätt att styra värlen, någotsom givetvis inte går ihop.

Den historia du skriver, är bara några andra ord för just det jag skriver om i inlägget, antingen kan män anväda sin hjärna eller så kan de det inte och är därmed omyndigförklarade.
Hur kan de då få rösta?

Ingen bild


20 augusti 2012 22:31

Jag är HELT med dig.


21 augusti 2012 10:51


    Kom ihåg mig



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Shed Light



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